Collection: DIMSUM GO

123 m2
Mall Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Jivanesia Putri Panjaitan, Jessy Panduwinata

The tradition of eating dim sum goes way back to the early Chinese dynasty. It has become a ritual throughout China and other countries, served alongside with tea. Considered as snacks at first, dim sum eventually became an all -day meal. The design is inspired from the blend of culture and era, infusing traditional style of dim sum places in China and Hong Kong with some modern touched throughout the colour palette and interior finished. As dim sum is considered as a casual dining experience, the interior layout is designed to evoke a buzzing atmosphere of a dim sum restaurant.

Inspired by the traditional moon gate in Chinese architecture and Chinese coins, we use circular shapes and arches througout the space, but applying it in a modern way. Infusing traditional Chinese details into the modern interior can really change the look of the restaurant. Using patterned tiles, playing with colour combination, materials and accessories can elevate the quirkiness of the restaurant’s character.

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